Dust Academy

Dust Academy

Welcome to the Dust Academy!

This material will walk you through SmartMesh IP, teach you what you can do with it and how to use it. The material is presented as a series of labs with questions.

These labs are regularly used as a hands-on addition to undergraduate and graduates courses on Internet of Things, or as stand-alone tutorials at conference, tradeshows or summer schools. All the material presented on this site is published under the same BSD open-source license as the source code, meaning that you are free to use all or part of it. If you do, we would appreciate if you could drop us a line at dustsupport@linear.com.

Are you an instructor?

If you are an instructor and want to use this material in your labs, let us know. There are pages visible only to instructors and which contain tips, as well as the answer to all questions. Drop us a line at dustsupport@linear.com so we can give your the right credentials to access that supplementary material.

NEW! Half-Day Unplugfest

We are introducing the Dust Academy material as a Half-Day Unplugfest in which you will be building smaller and larger networks, connect to the IBM Watson IoT Platform, and interact with the motes and platform. Oh, my!

Before you begin

Before you begin, make sure you have:

  • a computer with Internet access
  • a DC9000B SmartMesh IP Starter Kit
    • 1x DC2274  SmartMesh IP Manager
    • 5x DC9003A-B SmartMesh IP Motes
    • 1x DC9006A Eterna Interface Card
    • 2x Micro USB cables

During the labs, you will use this kit to create a wireless network, interact with the mote and manager over their Command Line Interface (CLI) and Application Programming Interface (API), connect external sensor and actuators, integrate your SmartMesh network into the Internet, etc.


All labs

Per-label labs

Each lab is labeled as either "basic", "master mode", "slave mode", "Internet" or "advanced".

"basic" labs

Start by following these labs first, in the order below. Then, pick one or more of the other categories of labs.

per-requisite: None.

"master mode" labs

Follow these labs to learn about the motes running in "Master" mode, i.e. without external micro-controller. Go through the labs in the order below.

per-requisite: all "basic" labs.

Labs which relate to the motes running in "Master" mode, . The expected completion time for each lab is displayed on the right.

"slave mode" labs

Follow these labs to learn about the motes running in "Slave" mode, i.e. with an external micro-controller driving it. Go through the labs in the order below.

per-requisite: all "basic" labs.

"internet" labs

Follow these labs to learn how to integrate a SmartMesh IP network into the Internet. Go through the labs in the order below.

per-requisite: all "basic" labs.

"advanced" labs

Follow these labs to learn about miscellaneous advanced SmartMesh IP features. Go through the labs in any order.

per-requisite: all "basic" labs.

How to read this material

We recommend you go through the "basic" labs first, then pick one of more other categories of labs.

If you want to do everything, just follow the labs in order.