Lab 21. Exploring the serial API
Lab 21. Exploring the serial API
Expected completion time of this lab: 30 min
- You can issue any (raw) serial API command to the manager by issuing:
- an HTTP POST request
- to URL
containing the payload:
{ "manager": 0, "command": <<command name>>"" }
issue a
command.What is the networkId of your SmartMesh IP Manager?
What is the maximum number of motes it supports?
- Issue a
command. What is the number of motes currently in your network?
Using the
command, verify the quality of a link between one of your motes and the manager (you can get the MAC addresses using the “sm” command in CLI). Fill in the following table:The payload for the getPathInfo command contains fields:
{ "manager": 0, "command": "getPathInfo", "fields": { "source": "00-17-0d-00-00-38-06-45", "dest": "00-17-0d-00-00-38-03-dd" } }