Part 0b: Getting Started!

Part 0b: Getting Started!


Overview of the hardware you will be using, and of the general organization of the unplugfest.

Hardware lineup

During the session, you will form groups of 4-6 people. Each group will receive a complete kit with one manager and 5-6 motes.

Devices come in different shapes and sizes:

Line-up of the devices you will use

line-up of the devices you will be using

From left to right:

namerolecommercially available?description
DC2274manageryes, http://www.linear.com/solutions/5744the device which connects your SmartMesh IP network to the Internet (a.k.a. "gateway", "sink", etc)
"white box"moteno, this is a home-made device.
It is not (and will not be) commercial available.
a mote powered by a 2200mAh TADIRAN battery, in a box
DC9003moteyes, http://www.linear.com/solutions/3106a mote powered by a 225mAh CR2032 coin-cell battery
DC2126Amoteyes, http://www.linear.com/solutions/5320a mote powered by a combination of a solar cell (when there is light) and battery (when there is no light), attached to a thermistor
LTP5901 modulemoteyes (http://www.linear.com/product/LTP5901-IPM)
but without the battery holder on the back
a mote powered by a 1000mAh CR2477 coin-cell battery

manager? mote?

  • the "manager" is the gateway device which sits at the edge of your low-power wireless network, typically connected to a computer.
  • a "mote" is a device which is deployed in the field and typically attached to sensors and actuators.

Together, the manager and motes form a low-power wireless mesh network around the manager:

Motes are equivalent

While motes differ in the sensors and actuators attached, the power source and packaging, they are equivalent from a networking point of view. That is, the same LTC5800 system-on-chip is at the heart of each device, and implements the same networking software.

Each network is self-contained

Each group starts off with an entirely self-contained network, which includes one manager and a number of motes. Even though you might be sitting in the same room as another group, networks are independent.

Accounts and Credentials

Your instructor will have set up a number of services running in the IBM Cloud, including an instance of the IBM Watson IoT Platform.

You will receive at the beginning of the session the following credentials:

IBM Watson IoT Application token

  • allows you to build an application which interacts with the managers and motes connected to the IBM Watson IoT Platform
  • This application can be written in any programming language, including directly using Node-RED
  • Here is the information you will receive from your instructor:
API KeyThe username of your application
Authentication TokenThe password of your application

All groups share the same application token.

Ideal Classroom Setup

Each group has a standalone network. Each group ideally has a separate table. The instructor runs yet another network.

Answer sheet

The instructions contain questions which allow the instructors to verify you are moving along well. Write down the answers to those questions on a sheet of paper as you move along.
