Lab 15. Subscribe to notifications
Lab 15. Subscribe to notifications
Expected completion time of this lab: 5 min.
All motes in the network can generate data. When the manager receives that data, it creates a "notification". By default all notifications are disabled; you need to subscribe to manager notifications to receive them on your computer.
- Close the
application if it's still open. - Open the
application, and connect to the SmartMesh IP Manager. Issue the subscribe command with the following parameters to receive notifications:
filter ffffffff
unackfilter 00000000
The "filter" and "unackfilter" fields contain a bitmap of notifications to enable. This is detailed in the SmartMesh IP Manager API guide. What this commands means is "subscribe to all types of notifications".
- At this point, you will see all notifications from all motes (for example temperature readings).
- To avoid getting too many notifications, switch off all the motes except one for the following labs.