Lab 33. MQTT Control Loop
The goal of this lab is to build several control loops: heating up a mote causes the LED of another mote to switch on, over the Internet
Create sensors/actuator pairs
list the MAC addresses of the motes you have which can act as :
a sensor
temperature sensor
jumper wire to act as a switch
an actuator
an LED that can be switched on
a buzzer
Answer 1:
Your instructor will coordinate that activity so everyone can see the entire list
form [sensors → actuator] pairs. What role is your mote playing, with what other mote?
Answer 2:
Flow 1: subscribe to everything
create a first flow which subscribed to all notifications with topic
Flow 2: send mote data to broker
create a second flow which publishes all "oap" notifications onto the MQTT broker, using MQTT topic
Draw your flow, indicating the configuration details of the nodes in your flow (including any code):
once everyone is done, make sure you can see data from all motes appearing on the MQTT broker
modify your second flow to publish on topic
is your MAC addresswhat code did you use?
Flow 3: trigger actuator
create a third flow which prints the temperature of the other mote in your mote pair
Describe what you did:
On the actuator mote side, modify your third flow so the actuator (LED or buzzer) toggles on/off depending on temperature
describe your changes
we want to be able to trigger your actuator by sending an MQTT message to the broker using your mote’s MAC address
Describe your design and implement it: