


APIExplorer is a graphical user interface that allows you to interact with the Application Programming Interface (API) of all SmartMesh devices.

It can connect to:

  •  The SmartMesh IP Manager
  •  The SmartMesh WirelessHART Manager
  •  The SmartMesh IP Mote running in slave mode
  •  The SmartMesh WirelessHART Mote running in slave mode

Mote modes are discussed in the SmartMesh IP User's Guide and the SmartMesh WirelessHART User's Guide


You can run the API Explorer application:

  • by double-clicking on the Windows executable at /win/ APIExplorer.exe
  • by double-clicking on its source files at /src/ bin/APIExplorer/APIExplorer.py (may require additional steps on non-windows OSes)


API Explorer is a GUI based application to interact with the following devices' API interface:

  • SmartMesh IP Manager
    • connected over serial
    • connected over Serial Mux
  • SmartMesh IP Mote
    • connected over serial - mote must be in slave mode for the API to be enabled
  • SmartMesh WirelessHART Manager
    • connected over XML-RPC
  • SmartMesh WirelessHART Mote
    • connected over serial - mote must be in slave mode for the API to be enabled

An example of the APIExplorer window is shown below, after connecting to a SmartMesh IP Manager. Frame contents vary among devices as the manner of connection and available commands differs.

The interface consists of 6 frames:

  • Use the api frame to select the type if network and device you wish to connect to. Pressing the load button configures the corresponding API definition, and shows the other frames.
  • Specify how to connect to your device in the connection frame. Depending on the type of network and device selected in the api frame, you may be offered multiple connection options.
  • Use the command frame to select the command you want to send to the device. All commands in the device's API are available. All command parameters must be filled in - in general it is a good idea to use the get form of any command before using the set form so as to familiarize yourself with the commands arguments . Pressing the send button will send the command to your device using the connector selected in the connection frame.
  • Reponses to the commands you send appear in the response frame.
  • Notifications published by the device appear in the notifications frame.

Some devices, such as the SmartMesh IP Manager require you to subscribe to notifications (using the subscribe command) before you can receiving them.

  • When selecting a command, its description appears in the tooltip frame.