


The Low-power Border Router (LBR) sits between a SmartMesh IP Manager and the internet. It converts between the IPv6 packet format of the internet to the 6LoWPAN packet format of the SmartMesh IP network to enable communication between computers on the Internet ("internet hosts") and s.  

A sample LBR implementation that runs on a Linux computer is available from Linear.com.

The LBRConnection application allows you to connect to a running LBR to view information about LBR and counts of the packets flowing through it.

It connects to:

  •  The SmartMesh IP Manager
  •  (Over the air) The SmartMesh IP Mote running in master or slave mode (depending on payload).


You can run this application:

  • By double-clicking on the Windows executable at /win/LBRConnection.exe.

  • By double-clicking on its source files at /src/bin/LBRConnection/LBRConnection.py.


GUI organization

The LBRConnection application consists of two frames:

  • The "LBR connection" frame allows you to connect to an LBR.
  • The "manager connection" frame allows you to connect to the SmartMesh IP Manager.
Internally, the application subscribes to ip notifications from the SmartMesh IP Manager. When it receives such a notification, it forwards the packet to the LBR it is connected to. Similarly, when receiving data from the LBR, it forwards it to the SmartMesh IP Manager.

Using .lbrauth files

To connect to the LBR, the LBRConnection application needs to know the following information:
  • IP address of the LBR
  • TCP port number the LBR is listening on
  • Username of the network
  • Credentials
The credentials needed depend on the security level, as described in the LBR User Guide.
Rather than having to type this information in fields, the LBRConnection application parses "LBR authentication files" ( *.lbrauth ). One such file is provided with your SmartMesh SDK installation.

Information displayed

The "LBR connection" frame displays the following information:

connectionWhen connected to the LBR, indicates the username and address of the LBR as username@address.
statusDisplays the current status, either connected or disconnected.
prefixWhen connected to the LBR, indicates the IPv6 prefix assigned by the LBR to your network.
transmitted to LBRNumber of packets and bytes transmitted to the LBR.
received from LBRNumber of packets and bytes received from the LBR.

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