

This application was added in REL-1.0.5.


AclCommissioning is a command-line (non graphical) tool that allows you to automatically construct an Access Control List (ACL) on a SmartMesh IP Manager.

It connects to:

  •  The SmartMesh IP Manager
  •  The SmartMesh IP Mote running in slave mode - motes are connected in sequence as prompted to add them to the list.
Mote modes are discussed in the SmartMesh IP User's Guide.


You can run the AclCommissioning application:

  • by double-clicking on the Windows executable at /win/AclCommissioning.exe
  • by double-clicking on its source files at /src/ bin/AclCommissioning/AclCommissioning.py (may require additional steps on non-windows OSes)


The AclCommissioning application demonstrates that network commissioning (setting join key) can be done automatically using the manager and mote APIs. The program flow is as follows:

  1. It prompts the user for the manager API COM port, connects to the manager
  2. It prompts the user for the mote API COM port, connects to the mote, retrieves its MAC address, randomly generates a join key and sets it on the mote.
  3. It then adds the mote's MAC and join key to the manager's ACL, then prompts the user to attach the next mote, etc.


ACL Commissioning (c) Dust Networks
SmartMesh SDK

==== Connect to manager
Serial port of SmartMesh IP Manager (e.g. COM15):
Connected to manager at COM15.

==== Connect mote 1 to your computer (or Ctrl+C to quit)
    Serial port of SmartMesh IP Mote (e.g. COM19):
    Connected to mote at COM19.
    Random join key: b1-66-ec-9a-4f-d2-4a-8e-d2-f0-9b-2a-1b-da-ba-6d
    mote's MAC address: 00-17-0d-00-00-38-06-d6
    Writing joinKey in mote... done.
    Configuring joinKey in manager... done.
    Disconnecting from mote... done.

==== Connect mote 2 to your computer (or Ctrl+C to quit)
    Serial port of SmartMesh IP Mote (e.g. COM19):

==== disconnect from manager

Script ended normally
Press Enter to close.