

This application was added in REL-1.0.5


BroadcastLeds is a command-line (non graphical) tool that allows you to activate or deactivate the blue LED on all the evaluation kit motes in a network. Since it gets a response from each mote, it can also plot the time it took for motes to respond.  The application uses OAP messages as described in the SmartMesh IP Tools Guide.

It connects to:

  • The SmartMesh IP Manager
  • (Over the air) The SmartMesh IP Mote running in master mode - this is the default mode for motes in an evaluation kit.
Mote modes are discussed in the SmartMesh IP User's Guide


You can run the BroadcastLeds application:

  • by double-clicking on the Windows executable at /win/BroadcastLeds.exe
  • by double-clicking on its source files at /src/ bin/BroadcastLeds/BroadcastLeds.py (may require additional steps on non-windows OSes)


The BroadcastLeds application demonstrates end-to-end application acknowledgements and broadcast transport in a SmartMesh IP network. 

To see a list of commands, use the help command:

SmartMesh SDK
BroadcastLeds Application - (c) Dust Networks

> help

Available commands:
 - help (h): print this menu
 - info (i): information about this application
 - quit (q): quit this application
 - uptime (ut): how long this application has been running
 - connect (c): connect to a serial port
 - on (o): set all LEDs on, and plot response times
 - off (f): clear all LEDs, and plot response times

Use the connect command to connect to the manager's API port:

> connect COM11

You can then use the on command to light the INDICATOR_0 LED on all the motes (only one mote is shown here):

> on

===== set LED 1

   expectedOAPResp (1 items):
     - 00-17-0d-00-00-38-33-59
 --> sending broadcast (attempt 1/3)
>  <-- first response from 00-17-0d-00-00-38-33-59
   expectedOAPResp (0 items):

transmission done after 2.577s
response times:
 - 2.577s, 00-17-0d-00-00-38-33-59 after  1 broadcast(s)