Sample Applications
Sample Applications
The following sample applications are included in the latest revision of the SMSDK:
- AclCommissioning
- APIExplorer
- BlinkPacketSend
- BroadcastLeds
- Chaser
- HdlcTool
- HrListener
- InstallTest
- JsonServer
- LBRConnection
- LEDPing
- MgrBlinkData
- MgrListener
- MuxConfig
- NetworkHealth
- OapClient
- OTAPCommunicator
- PkGen
- PublishToWeb
- RangeTest
- RawSerial
- SeeTheMesh
- SensorDataReceiver
- Simple (no GUI) Applications
- SyncTemp
- TempLogger
- TempMonitor
- Timelapse
- Upstream
- Voting
- Xively