

This application was added in SMSDK 1.0.5. It requires that the 04-synctemp application from the On-Chip SDK be installed on at least one mote in the network.


SyncTemp is a command-line (non graphical) tool that allows you to record the synchronous temperature measurements from motes running the the 04-synctemp OCSDK application.


It connects to:

  • The SmartMesh IP manager
  • (Over the air) The SmartMesh IP Mote running the synctemp OCSDK application.


You can run the SyncTemp application:

  • by double-clicking on the Windows executable at /win/SyncTemp.exe
  • by double-clicking on its source files at /src/ bin/RawSerial/SyncTemp.py (may require additional steps on non-windows OSes)


SyncTemp takes a configuration file "configuration_DO_NOT_DELETE.txt" with two parameters:

  • connection_details - the serial port for the manager's API
  • reporting_period - how often the motes will report temperature, in seconds. Default is 1 hr.

It will connect to the manager, periodically broadcast the reporting period to the network (here changed to 30 s), and print a line for each temperature measurement received:

SyncTemp application - SmartMeshSDK
configuration used:
 - connection_details:    COM11
 - reporting_period:      30
2015-12-07 12:07:34.248,start_app,,
2015-12-07 12:07:35.783,connected,,
   configuration broadcast
2015-12-07 12:07:41.175,temperature,00-17-0d-00-00-38-0c-ae,25.40
2015-12-07 12:07:51.173,temperature,00-17-0d-00-00-38-0c-ae,25.20
2015-12-07 12:08:21.173,temperature,00-17-0d-00-00-38-0c-ae,25.20
2015-12-07 12:08:51.174,temperature,00-17-0d-00-00-38-0c-ae,25.40
2015-12-07 12:09:21.167,temperature,00-17-0d-00-00-38-0c-ae,25.61
2015-12-07 12:09:51.167,temperature,00-17-0d-00-00-38-0c-ae,25.40
2015-12-07 12:10:21.168,temperature,00-17-0d-00-00-38-0c-ae,25.40
2015-12-07 12:10:51.168,temperature,00-17-0d-00-00-38-0c-ae,25.40

SyncTemp also generates a log file in comma separated format "temperaturelog.csv" containing the timestamped reports from the motes.