

This application was added in REL-1.0.5


NetworkHealth is a command-line (non graphical) tool that allows you to monitor the health of a SmartMesh IP network, either periodically or on demand.  It runs the tests described in the SmartMesh IP Application Note "Monitoring SmartMesh IP Network Health"


It connects to:

  •  The SmartMesh IP Manager


You can run the NetworkHealth application:

  • by double-clicking on the Windows executable at /win/NetworkHealth.exe
  • by double-clicking on its source files at /src/ bin/NetworkHealth/NetworkHealth.py (may require additional steps on non-windows OSes)


To see a list of commands, use the help command:

SmartMesh SDK
NetworkHealth Application - (c) Dust Networks

> help
Available commands:
 - help (h): print this menu
 - info (i): information about this application
 - quit (q): quit this application
 - uptime (ut): how long this application has been running
 - connect (c): connect to a serial port
 - now (n): assess the health of the network now
 - last (l): print the last results
 - period (p): set the period of the health assessment


Use the connect command to connect to the manager's API port:

> connect COM11


You can then use the now command to run the health assessment:

> now
> running test at 2015-12-04 16:19:09

The test can take a few seconds to a few minutes to run, depending on network size.

You can use the last command to review the results of the health assessment.  Each test has four sections:

  • name - the test name
  • outcome - PASS, FAIL or NOTRUN
  • description - a more detailed description of the outcome
  • about this test - a description of what is being tested

Test results are also logged to a file called "testresults.txt" in the same directory where the application was launched.

> last

============================= 2015-12-04 16:19:09 =============================

=== name ==============


=== outcome ===========


=== description =======

- 00-17-0d-00-00-38-33-59 has no numOperationalEvents parameters, but its state is 4
- 00-17-0d-00-00-38-2f-23 has no numOperationalEvents parameters, but its state is 4

=== about this test ===

            This test verifies that each mote has joined exactly once.
            In a normal deployment, all motes should join exactly once. Joining
            more than once may indicate a mote reset.

            This test is run once for each node in the network (both AP and

... additional tests ...