

This application was added in REL-1.1.0.


The MgrBlinkData application connects to the SmartMesh IP Embedded Manager and subscribes to notifications. All Blink packets received will be displayed.

It connects to:

  • The SmartMesh IP Embedded Manager
  • A sample Mote application in the SMSDK called BlinkPacketSend.py can be used to send Blink packets from a mote


You can run the MgrBlinkData application:

  • by double-clicking on its source files at /src/app/MgrBlinkData/MgrBlinkData.py

MgrBlinkData (c) Dust Networks
SmartMesh SDK

Note: Use with BlinkPacketSend.py

- create the variable 'mgrconnector'
- connect to the manager's serial port
Enter the serial API port of SmartMesh IP Manager (e.g. COM7): com84
- subscribe to data notifications
Press any key to stop.

 Blink packet received from 00-17-0d-00-00-60-04-b0
     --> Neighbor ID = 1 ,  RSSI = - 80
     --> Neighbor ID = 2 ,  RSSI = - 70
     --> Data Sent = 48656c6c6f2c20576f726c6421

Script ended normally.