


A collection of modules to connect to all SmartMesh devices and implement all related Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).

The SmartMeshSDK library lives in the libs/SmartMeshSDK directory.

It consists of two sets of modules:

  • API definitions, which define the API of a given device.
  • API connectors, which allow to physically connect to a device.

Module Description

API Definitions

All API definitions live in the libs/SmartMeshSDK/ApiDefinition/ directory.

ApiDefinition.py is the parent class of all API definitions, from which the following modules inherit. 

module nameAPI definition for
SmartMesh IP Manager
IpMoteDefinition.pySmartMesh IP Mote
SmartMesh WirelessHART Manager
HartMoteDefinition.pySmartMesh WirelessHART Mote

API Connectors

ApiConnector.py is the parent class of all API connectors, from which the following modules inherit.

module nameconnects toconnects over
IpMgrConnectorMuxSmartMesh IP ManagerSerialMux
IpMgrConnectorSerialSmartMesh IP Managerserial
IpMoteConnectorSmartMesh IP Moteserial
HartMgrConnectorSmartMesh WirelessHART ManagerXML-RPC
HartMoteConnectorSmartMesh WirelessHART Moteserial