Note well

Note well

This website is run by the dustcloud Community.
We are a group of low-power wireless mesh enthusiasts working with SmartMesh networks.
The goal of this website is to collaborate on tools and discuss integration of SmartMesh into various projects.

While employees of Linear Technology contribute to this website, this is a community website. In particular:

  • Questions about purchasing SmartMesh-based products will not be answered on this website.
  • Filing a bug on this website serves as a notification to the community. It cannot be considered a formal feature request to Linear Technology.

Questions is the primary method for communication between members of the community. Feel free to ask a question, start a discussion,

You can also use JIRA to file a bug report, or add an item to the wishlist.

Linear Technology, LT, LTC, LTM, Dust, Dust Networks, Eterna, SmartMesh and Linear logo are registered trademarks and LTP, SmartMesh IP and the Dust Logo are trademarks of the Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Note Well!

The source code available through this website does not include the

SmartMesh library

. The Import the Libraries page indicates where you can download them from and integrate into the directory structure of your project.

Do not commit the

SmartMesh library

back into the

On-Chip SDK repository

you forked!

To avoid an accidental commit, we strongly encourage to add the

SmartMesh library

into the .gitignore file of your repository.