API Documentation

API Documentation




 directory contains the html-based 

SmartMesh On-Chip API html documentation

. This documentation was generated using the Doxygen tool.

It is a companion document to this guide, and documents the Application Programming Interface for programming the 


, i.e. the functions and data structures to use to interact with the 

SmartMesh library

 provided as part of the 

On-Chip Software Development Kit


Double-click on the file named index.html in the 



on_chip_api/html/ directory. This opens the following documentation in your browser.

Click on the Components link in the top menu to see the list of all components.

While developing your application, we recommend you keep the

SmartMesh On-Chip API html documentation


While not identical, the On-chip API is very similar to the external mote Serial API - see the SmartMesh IP mote Serial API Guide for more details on the meaning of the arguments to various API commands.