A First Application

A First Application

This section refers to the following sample application(s):

  • 00-hello


SmartMesh library

 implements the full run-time environment for your application. For your application to start running, it needs to do at least the following:

  • Implement the function p2_init(). This function is called by the 

    SmartMesh library

     and is the entry point for your application. It is called before the uC/OS-II operating system has been started, i.e. while you can create tasks in this function, you cannot, for example, post or pend semaphores.
  • Create a channel to receive notifications from the local interface of the 

    SmartMesh network stack

    . You need to register the message type DN_MSG_TYPE_NET_NOTIF to this channel. This is the message type the stack uses to publish notifications.
  • Optionally, you can choose to open the CLI port if your application will receive command from a user, or print on the CLI port.
Apart from the steps listed above, a typical application will start one or more uC/OS-II tasks.

The 00-hello Sample Application

This sample application follows the steps above and prints the string "Hello, World!" on the CLI interface.

To be able to see the "Hello, World!" message, connect a terminal client (such as PuTTY or TeraTerm) to the CLI serial interface of your device.

Refer to the SmartMesh IP Tools Guide for information about the different serial ports.

When the mote boots, you see the following on your terminal client:

> Hello, World!


SmartMesh library

 implements a base command line interface, by default. You can type help to see the default CLI commands:

> Hello, World!
> help
help <command>

By convention, all default CLI commands start with the letter "m", for "mote".

You can issue the command minfo to obtain general information about the state of the device:

> minfo
Net stack  v1.2.1.3
state:     Idle
mac:       00:17:0d:00:00:38:0f:47
moteid:    0
netid:     423
blSwVer:   13
UTC time:  0:0
reset st:  200

You can use the command mset to configure a number of elements of the 

SmartMesh network stack

. For example, change the Network ID of the mote through the following command:

> mset netid 477

This setting is stored in non-volatile memory. After a reboot of the device, you can verify that the setting is still present.

> Hello, World!
> mget netid
netid = 477

Refer to the SmartMesh IP Mote CLI Guide for a description of these commands.

Implementation Details

The 00-hello sample application initializes the CLI Module, before printing "Hello, World!" over it. Initialization involves:

  • opening the CLI module by calling dnm_ucli_openPort();
  • raising the default access level to DN_CLI_ACCESS_USER so the user can issue CLI commands such as mset;
  • create a channel to receive CLI notifications;
  • initialize the CLI Module.
  • continuously call the (blocking) dnm_loc_processNotifications() to process received CLI command.

These operations are so common that we built the simple cli_task Helper Module.

The 00-hello_common sample application is equivalent to 00-hello, but using this helper module (see Helper Modules)

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