

This application was added in REL-1.1.0.


This example script subscribes to data notifications and reports latency statistics for a desired mote.

The script connects to a Manager using the Python library and does the following:

  • Prompts the user for the VManager IP address and desired mote to monitor
  • Subscribes to data notifications
  • Prints out latency statistics, values are in milliseconds

It connects to:

  • The SmartMesh IP VManager


You can run the VMgr_LatencyMote.py application:

  • By double-clicking on its source files at /vmanager_apps/VMgr_LatencyMote.py (may require additional steps on non-windows OSes)

VMgr_LatencyMote Example (c) Dust Networks
SmartMesh SDK

Enter the IP address of the manager (e.g. ):
Enter MAC address of mote to Ping (e.g. 00-17-0D-00-00-60-08-DC): 00-17-0D-00-00-30-5A-BD
{'base_pk_period': 15000,
 'cca_mode': 0,
 'channel_list': 32767,
 'down_frame_multiplier': 1,
 'down_frame_multiplier_delay': 3600000,
 'down_frame_size': 512,
 'ip_addr_prefix': 'FE80::',
 'join_security_type': 'common_skey',
 'min_service_pk_period': 100,
 'network_id': 116,
 'num_parents': 2,
 'topology_type': 'mesh',
 'up_frame_size': 512}

==== Subscribing to data notifications

 Waiting for notifications from mote, Press any key to stop
 Mote 00-17-0D-00-00-30-5A-BD --> Latency 1907 -- Average 1907 -- Max 1907

 Mote 00-17-0D-00-00-30-5A-BD --> Latency 1008 -- Average 1457 -- Max 1907

Script ended normally