
Release date

2 June 2016

Source code and pre-compiled Windows executables


  • 3 new applications

  • NEW! we now attach the precompiled version of the apps for Windows directly to this release.

Sample applications

  1. AclCommissioning
  2. APIExplorer
  3. BroadcastLeds
  4. Chaser
  5. DC2126A
  6. HdlcTool
  7. HrListener
  8. InstallTest
  9. JsonServer
  10. LBRConnection
  11. LEDPing
  12. MeshOfMeshes
  13. MgrListener
  14. MuxConfig
  15. NetworkHealth
  16. NEW! OapClient
  17. OTAPCommunicator
  18. PkGen
  19. NEW! RangeTest
  20. RawSerial
  21. SensorDataReceiver
  22. SimpleHartMote
  23. SimpleIPDownstreamMgr
  24. SimpleIPDownstreamMote
  25. SimpleIPMgr
  26. SimpleIPMote
  27. NEW! SimpleIPPing
  28. SimpleIPUpstreamMgr
  29. SimpleIPUpstreamMote
  30. SyncTemp
  31. TempLogger
  32. TempMonitor
  33. Timelapse
  34. Upstream
  35. Voting
  36. Xively

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Known issues

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The list below is built automatically from the list of issues filed by users. Some issues listed below might not have been filtered by the DustCloud team.

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