Test Downstream Data

Test Downstream Data

The DustLink apps that you can create (see Visualize Data With DustLink) has currently not implemented support for sending downstream messages to motes (although you might have noticed the "Fields toMote" that implies that its support is in the pipline). As an alternative, we present two simple ways to test sending downstream data to a mote. Both of these use tools part of the SmartMesh SDK, so the first thing you will have to do is to fetch this:

9.1 SimpleIPDownstreamMgr

SimpleIPDownstreamMgr is a simple console application that only asks you to specify the name of the port that the serial API of the manager is connected to (e.g. COM15). It will then connect to said manager, fetch a list of all operational motes connected to the network and start sending "Hello, World!" to each of them every 5 seconds, addressed to port 60000. The SimplePublish example application is set to listen to the same port, and should be able to parse and print the message.

If you have DustLink running and connected to the manager, it will occupy the port with the manager serial API, thus preventing any other application to do the same. In other words, you have to stop DustLink when using this application.

9.2 APIExplorer

APIExplorer is a GUI that allows you to interact with the full API of all SmartMesh devices. The interesting API command here is sendData:

  1. Set network type to SmartMesh IP, device type to manager and press load.
  2. Enter the port name that the serial API of the manager is connected to (e.g. COM15) and press connect.
  3. Select sendData from the command drop down list
  4. Enter the necessary fields (options has to be 0) and press send.

If you have DustLink running and connected to the manager, it will occupy the port with the manager serial API, thus preventing any other application to do the same. In other words, you have to stop DustLink when using this application.

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