Lab 12. Running JsonServer+Node-RED

 On your computer, you will run both the JsonServer and Node-RED programs:

  • JsonServer is the program that connects to the API serial port of your manager and offers an HTTP interface

  • Node-RED interacts with the JsonServer over HTTP and offers a graphical user interface


  • Double-click on smartmeshsdk\app\JsonServer\ The application starts

  • The h command allows you to get a list of available commands

    > h Available commands: - help (h): print this menu - info (i): information about this application - quit (q): quit this application - uptime (ut): how long this application has been running - status (s): get the current status of the application - seriaports (sp): list the available serialports - connectmanager (cm): connect to a manager's API serial port - disconnectmanager (dm): disconnect from a manager's API serial port >
  • type "sp". What are the available serial ports on your computer?

Answer 1:

  • using the "cm" command, connect the JsonServer to your manager's API port

    • the API serial port to connect to is the 4th one

    • so if command “sp” returns {'serialports': ['COM11', 'COM12', 'COM13', 'COM14']}, you need to connect to COM14

    • type cm COM14 to connect to that manager

  • type "s". Verify the manager appears as "connected".

    > s { 'SmartMesh SDK version': '', 'current time': '04/12/2021 22:35:51', 'managers': {'COM14': 'connected'}, 'running since': '04/12/2021 22:34:52 (0:00:58.863536 ago)', 'threads running': [ 'MainThread', 'SnapshotThread', 'DustCli', 'WebServer', 'ManagerHandler@COM14', 'COM14_HDLC', 'IpMgrSubscribe']}


  • in a command prompt, start Node-RED by typing

    C:\Users\twatteyne>node-red 30 Mar 03:14:22 - [info] Welcome to Node-RED =================== 30 Mar 03:14:22 - [info] Node-RED version: v0.16.2 30 Mar 03:14:22 - [info] Node.js version: v6.9.5 30 Mar 03:14:22 - [info] Windows_NT 6.1.7601 x64 LE 30 Mar 03:14:24 - [info] Loading palette nodes 30 Mar 03:14:26 - [info] Dashboard version 2.3.2 started at /ui 30 Mar 03:14:27 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------ 30 Mar 03:14:27 - [warn] [rpi-gpio] Info : Ignoring Raspberry Pi specific node 30 Mar 03:14:27 - [warn] [tail] Not currently supported on Windows. 30 Mar 03:14:27 - [warn] ------------------------------------------------------ 30 Mar 03:14:27 - [info] Settings file : \Users\twatteyne\.node-red\settings.js 30 Mar 03:14:27 - [info] User directory : \Users\twatteyne\.node-red 30 Mar 03:14:27 - [info] Flows file : \Users\twatteyne\.node-red\flows_HDC_S W01.json 30 Mar 03:14:27 - [info] Server now running at 30 Mar 03:14:27 - [info] Starting flows 30 Mar 03:14:27 - [info] Started flows
  • open to see the Node-RED interface:


There are no question in this lab. This lab is preparation for all the ones that follow, in which we will be interacting with the Node-RED interface.