Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Faults print the current time (OS time), and the contents of various registers.  The following code stores a value at an invalid memory location:

No Format
int *dummypointer;
dummypointer = (int *) 0x20302030;   // this is outside of SRAM
*dummypointer = 42;

Which results in the following fault:

No Format
Time = 59a04
R0 = 2a                     
R1 = 20302030
R2 = 200008d4
R3 = 4
R12 = 0
LR = 489c5                  
PC = 4ccce                  (Program counter - this may be able to tell you which part of the code is causing the fault)
PSR = 21000000              
BFAR = 20302030             (Bus Fault Address Register - may contain the bad address or the BFAR address of e000ed38) 
CFSR = 8200                 (Configurable Fault Status Registers - indicates precise data bus error and BFAR holds address)
HFSR = 0                    (HardFault Status register)
DFSR = 0                    (Debug Fault Status Register)
AFSR = 0                    (Auxiliary Fault Status Register)
MFAR = 20302030             (MemManage Address Register - may contain the bad address or the MFAR address of e000ed34)
IPSR = 400805               
NVIC_ACTIVE0_R = 0   		
NVIC_ACTIVE1_R = 0           
NVIC_SYS_HND_CTRL_R = 70002 (System Handler Control and State Register)
SP = 200008c8               


 Changing pointer to a null pointer results in an MPU fault:

No Format
MPU Fault
Time = 3eb2
LR = 489c5
PC = 4ccce
BFAR = 0

See the Cortex-M3 Technical Reference Manual for more details.
