Versions Compared


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This section refers to the following sample application(s):

  • 01-search



This application is new to OCSDK 1.2.0

Network ID is used to separate overlapping networks - devices reject packets with a mismatching network ID early in the packet receiving process.  This necessitates configuring the correct network ID on a mote before placing it in the field. 


The application is best used with mutliple networks on different network IDs within range of the mote being tested. The application listens for a preferred network (PREFERRED_NET), and then joins it or the loudest network heard after a timeout (SEARCH_TIME).

No Format
Search app, ver
SmartMeshIP stack, ver
Searching for preferred network 2931230 for 30 s...
Heard network 118 at -82 dBm (louder than previous best)
Heard network 103 at -85 dBm 
Heard network 95  at -86 dBm 
Heard network 102 at -81 dBm (louder than previous best)
Joining network 102...


The 01-search sample application uses the Helper Modules to initialize the CLI Module and for interaction with the local interface. It passes JOIN_NO in the fJoin flag when initializing the local module in the loc_task_init() to prevent the local module from attempting to join, since joining will be handled by the application. It also installs a callback function advNotifCb() to handle advertisement notifications.  It has a helper function operationalCheck() that polls the mote's status to determine if the mote is in Operational mode (i.e. ready to send data).

It uses a single task (searcTasksearchTask) which:

  • Issues the dnm_loc_searchCmd() and waits for SEARCH_TIME ms.
  • Issue the dnm_loc_joinCmd() to join either the preferred network PREFERRED_NET or the loudest network heard during the search.
  • Loops indefinitely, printing out a status message if the mote is operational.
