SimplePublish for SAM C21 Xplained Pro
The QSL includes a SimplePublish example for the Atmel AtmelĀ SAM C21 Xplained Pro evaluation kit. This is given as an Atmel Studio 7 project based on the Atmel Software Framework (ASF). The main.cĀ code itself is similar to the one for the Raspberry Pi, with the addition of a watchdog timer and initialization of a second serial port to enable debug prints (the watchdog is for demonstration purposes only, and can be removed as the user see fit). A yellow LED on the Xplained Pro board is also toggled to indicate whether the mote has connected to a network or not.
Note |
Windows is the only supported OS for the latest Atmel Studio 7. |
Tip |
ASF is included in Atmel Studio 7 and does not require a specific download, but you can use the Extension Manager (Tools->Extension Manager) to update it. |
Prepare the SAM C21 Xplained Pro