The simplest way to access and visualize the data you publish is to connect your SmartMesh IP manager to a computer running DustLink. DustLink is a web-based SmartMesh IP management application that connects to your SmartMesh IP manager. It is intended for use as a demo vehicle/quick prototyping tool, and can be installed on any computer that supports Python. Among other advanced features, you can create a data parser "app" to display the formatted data that you publish from your motes. Below we will show you how to create such an app that can parse the data sent by the SimplePublish example application provided in the QSL.
- Go to the APPS page and Add an Application:
- Select the new application and configure the Transport and Fields fromMote:
- Go to the page for the particular mote you wish to interact with. There are two ways to do this:
- Select it directly by hovering over the MOTES header:
- Go to the NETWORKS page and select it in the graphic Topology:
- Select it directly by hovering over the MOTES header:
- Attach the app you created and press the INTERACT link:
- You should now be able to see the data incoming from the mote:
DustLink will remember the app you configured (and that it has been attached to the given mote) between running it. However, there is not (yet) any simple way to copy the app between different DustLink instances.