Necessary Hardware
There are two ways to download the QuickStart Library:
Clone The Source Code
Clone the repository
with git (or a git GUI client)
$ git clone
or checkout the latest release with subversion
$ svn checkout
Initialize and update the neccessary C Library submodule:
(...) /QuickStart_Library |
$ git submodule init (...) /QuickStart_Library |
$ git submodule update |
Download Zip/Tar
- Go to the QSL release page and and download the the latest zip/tar: TODO: Add link when public repo created.
- Go to the C Library release page and download the the latest zip/tar: TODO: Can possibly be added as attachment to QSL release. If not: Make a note about why it needs . The C Library is automatically generated from the SmartMesh IP stack library source, and so it may change with each stack release and needs to be downloaded separately.
- Unzip the files using your favourite compression tool.